Like a BOSS…. of a failing company._.

Like a BOSS…. of a failing company._.
my feels right now-__-'

my feels right now-__-'
Hell.. MGS2 was a big slap across the fan’s faces, but honestly, the man is an artist so i forgive him for the most part:P
gamefreaksnz: Hideo Kojima names Kiefer Sutherland as the voice...

Hideo Kojima names Kiefer Sutherland as the voice of Snake in Metal Gear Solid V
Keifer Sutherland will provide the voice and motion acting for Snake, the main character in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
i'm remaining skeptical until he can prove otherwise=-=

whiskey-wolf: There's just something about sniper rifles… oh...

There's just something about sniper rifles…
oh sweet baby jesus!*0*… they're so beautiful*3*
mattmarblo: aww look kawaii sagan and neil kawaii...

aww look kawaii sagan and neil kawaii tyson
"Gee, i wonder if she means old Ben Kenobi?"….

"Gee, i wonder if she means old Ben Kenobi?"
ohsnappysnu: this picture is probably the most accurate...

this picture is probably the most accurate portrayal of my life
need this on my wall._.
cryingsoccerdad: Literally what the fuck Ash

Literally what the fuck Ash
why, for the glory of Satan of course:D

why, for the glory of Satan of course:D
8yearoldslut: me arriving at the gates of hell

me arriving at the gates of hell
my biggest fear of job interviews…

my biggest fear of job interviews…
What can i say, I live life to the seemingly mundane:P

What can i say, I live life to the seemingly mundane:P
no.. this shit ends, TONIGHT!*0*

no.. this shit ends, TONIGHT!*0*
I think a lot of people on tumblr need to see this. Watch...
I think a lot of people on tumblr need to see this.
Watch it
watch it
watch it
- watch it
- watch it
- watch it
- just fcking watch it
Positive reinforcement!:D
Fuk U, Dis my hood=3=

Fuk U, Dis my hood=3=
did-you-kno: Source the fuck?xD

the fuck?xD
it's still mind boggling how they do that shit.. like...

it's still mind boggling how they do that shit.. like "what's up bro, do you even climb!?"..
… no, no i do not._.
alexbutera: MGS2 was my favorite Metal Gear for a long time,...
MGS2 was my favorite Metal Gear for a long time, even after 3 came out. A portion of the ideas discussed in this video were apparent to me, although I didn't have the ability to articulate them this effectively. Most of this video was new material for me, however, and the last few minutes are especially powerful.
I also really enjoy how Kojima's faults in writing and design are discussed; this isn't just a fan expressing their love of a game with blinders on. George and Nathan have done an amazing job!
While it is outwardly an ultra-violent action game, Metal Gear Rising directly discusses the concept of memes (not just the internet kind) and really gets the parts of your brain thinking that were stimulated during the last act of MGS2.
This is a really great analysis. Definitely going to replay MGS2 soon.
I can't.. i just.. my mind is the most literally blown since actually playing this game when it first came out, mainly because i understand but only in a general sense.. i remember playing it like i did any other game, one sitting if possible, and i was like "what is with all the references to the first game!?xD" but then that ending hit and i was just lost, i remember getting the call from the Campbell(or was it Rose?>.>) about having played too long, saying i should save and take a break and i in my haze i had a confused laugh at my self, it was true but i knew Kojima would do something like this to mess with me "it probably knows because i haven't saved in forever" but it just kept getting weirder, i didn't even question the floating code as i assumed it was part of the amazingness of this new Metal Gear Arsenal.. then i was left with that ending.. i felt scarred and confused, i got the message about societies false choices and how we all end up becoming pawns in a large game but this vid cleared it up soo freaking much.. i mean, while still making me relive that horrid feeling, i make art, and i have to pander to the public, which means i have to understand what they like, so it's a little scary that i have to subject my self too it.. but at the same time i enjoy it all, ideas flowing and intertwining..
Man, that was a trip._. but thanks for sharing the video, Alex^-^
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