
maxigadget: Daft Punk animated album covers

Daft Punk animated album covers
welele: Don Pelayo, el auténtico King in the North.

Don Pelayo, el auténtico King in the North.

ismi-sd: el señor de los anillos

el señor de los anillos


thedeaddontrise: im hungry

im hungry
laissesaigner: La realidad detrás de un "tru gueimer".

La realidad detrás de un "tru gueimer".
Dredd (Pete Travis, 2012)

Dredd (Pete Travis, 2012)

wolverineholic: The Wolverine CinemaCon footage
The Wolverine
CinemaCon footage
intentandoseringeniero: Yo, a casi cualquier hora.

Yo, a casi cualquier hora.
clean-comic-art: geekcavepodcast: X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men: Days of Future Past

iheartchaos: I think Wolverine is seriously in need of a nap.

I think Wolverine is seriously in need of a nap.
fuckyeahtattoos: Done by Julien N'Guyen in Marseille

Done by Julien N'Guyen in Marseille
marzx292: I wish I had the money to do something like this...

I wish I had the money to do something like this :(
Follow for nerd shit ;)
peorpodriaser: wonderlandmyway: The Evil Dead (1981)

The Evil Dead (1981)
xombiedirge: Army of Darkness by Randy...

Army of Darkness by Randy Ortiz / Tumblr / Store
Unveiled at the Alamo Drafthouse screening of Army of Darkness, in association with Mondo / Tumblr
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