Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

So much older then

[ via astronomy-to-zoology ] A Pistol Shrimp (Family Alpheidae)...

[ via astronomy-to-zoology ]

A Pistol Shrimp (Family Alpheidae) shooting its 'pistol'.
Video Source

[ posted by fuckyeahfluiddynamics ] This gorgeous visualization...

[ posted by fuckyeahfluiddynamics ]

This gorgeous visualization shows the flow behind a flapping foil.  Flow in the water tunnel is from right to left, with dye introduced to show streamlines.

A flapping foil is a good base model for most flapping flight as well as finned swimming - anything that oscillates to create thrust.  As the foil flaps, vorticity is generated and shed along the trailing edge, creating a regularly patterned wake of trailing vortices.

(Video credit: R. Godoy-Diana)

Sensory neurons convey signals from the outside world to our...

Sensory neurons convey signals from the outside world to our brain for interpretation. As they mature, sensory neurons grow radially outward, expanding their volume over 1,000 times that of other animal cells. This growth in size is important, because the conduction speed of signals increases as the diameter of a neuron increases. In these sensory neurons, axons (which transmit signals) are stained in green while the cell body is stained red.

Image by Dr. María Alejandra Lopez-Verrilli, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

[ via biocanvas ]

[ from sinobug ] Tessaratomid Giant Shield Bug Nymphs...

Tessaratomid Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)

Tessaratomid Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)

Tessaratomid Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)

Lychee Stink Bug Nymph (Tessaratoma papillosa, Tessaratomidae)

Tessaratomid Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)

Tessaratomid Giant Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)

Tessaratomid Shield Bug Nymph (Tessaratomidae)

[ from sinobug ]

Tessaratomid Giant Shield Bug Nymphs (Tessaratomidae, Hemiptera)

by Sinobug (itchydogimages) on Flickr.
Pu'er, Yunnan, China 

Tessaratomidae is a family of true bugs, similar in appearance to the more common shield/stink bugs of the family Pentatomidae. Larger species are known informally as giant shield bugs or giant stink bugs and are sometimes quite colorful. Their nymphal forms are often very colorful also and usually bear little resemblance to the adult.

Shown is a selection of local Yunnan Tessaratomid nymphs of varying species and instar stages.

See more Chinese true bugs and hoppers on [sinobug's] Flickr site HERE…..

The Darker Edge of Art NouveauContemporary European...

The Darker Edge of Art Nouveau
Contemporary European artist Meyoko

Contemporary Berlin based illustrator, Melissa Murillo, better known as Meyoko, channels the darker side of Art Nouveau. Executed in edge free hand, with a fountain pen Black China ink and more recently Gold, artworks by Meyoko are open windows onto worlds partly vegetal - partly animal. But always very intricate.

  1. momento mori - anacridium
    Gel ink on paper / digital  -  2012
  2. momento mori - Pomponia imperatoria
    Gel ink on paper / digital  -  2013
  3. alaus oculatis
    Gel ink on paper / digital  -  2012

Life of Nichiren: Calming the SeaNichiren was a 13th century...

Life of Nichiren: Calming the Sea
Nichiren was a 13th century Buddhist monk,
     nearly  a martyr, he is seen by his followers as a saint

Woodblock print by Hokui
Japanese artist (active 1830 - 1840)  

(Harvard Art Museums)

[posted by tangledwing ] TOP:  The microscope used by English...

[posted by tangledwing ]

TOP:  The microscope used by English natural philosopher, architect and polymath Robert Hooke (28 July [O.S. 18 July] 1635 – 3 March 1703).

BELOW:  The title page of his historic work Micrographia (published 1665). Hooke coined the term cell.  Micrographia contains his observations on cells and some other biological and scientific work.

[ artandsciencejournal ] Paper Reefs Some artists use materials...

Cove, 2013

Amaranthine Chartreuse, 2013

artandsciencejournal ]

Paper Reefs

Some artists use materials related to the subjects they paint when creating art pieces, but artist Amy Eisenfeld Genser doesn't pick up found object at her local beach when she creates her reef pieces. She takes pieces of colored paper, rolls them up, and positions them in a way that the final outcome looks like a natural formation of barnacles or sea sponge.

…  mosaic of shapes and colors created by the rolled paper, juxtaposed onto an already painted canvas, stimulates the senses. The artist herself claims her work is both irregular and ordered, using texture to mimic natural motifs. …

-Anna Paluch

[from ponderingnerd ] Did you know: Apple deleted an entire...

[from ponderingnerd ]

Did you know: Apple deleted an entire galaxy!

The source of Apple's famous wallpaper is a picture of the Andromeda galaxy, but they photoshopped out several smaller galaxies, including the M110, just to clean it up a bit!

[posted by currentsinbiology ] A cluster of special nerve cells...

[posted by currentsinbiology ]

A cluster of special nerve cells called cerebellar granule cells, growing in culture.

These cells naturally gather together, and when placed in a culture dish covered in a particular protein, they start sending out long projections (yellow/green) as they would in the developing brain.

Confocal micrograph by Ludovic Collin.

[ from kenobi-wan-obi ] Summer Triangle over Bryce Canyon The...

[ from kenobi-wan-obi ]

Summer Triangle over Bryce Canyon

The Milky Way in the Summer Triangle (formed by bright stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair) appears over Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah, USA. — Wally Pacholka

Fantastical FishKurimoto Tanshuu (1756 - 1834) Edo period(via X)

Fantastical Fish
Kurimoto Tanshuu (1756 - 1834)
Edo period
(via X)

Tibetan Thangka depicting events inthe Life of the Chinese...

Tibetan Thangka depicting events in
the Life of the Chinese Princess Jincheng [? - 739]

A tool of statecraft frequently used worldwide prior to modern times was the establishment or preservation of diplomatic relations by way of marriages between one ruling family and another.  In China, this often meant that one of the emperor's daughters would be given in marriage to the leader of a bothersome militarized presence on the Chinese border.  (It could also mean that the bothersome border country demanded a Chinese princess as a wife.)

In the 8th century, Tibet was one of the most bothersome military powers the Chinese had to deal with.  (And China was Buddhist then, whereas Tibet was a land with a huge standing army. Just the opposite of the situation today.)

In 710 the Chinese princess Jincheng Gongzhu - adoptive daughter of the Tang Emperor Zhongzong (唐中宗) - was sent off to be married to Tibetan emperor Mes-ag-tshoms [pronounced Mê-aktsom] a/k/a  Tridê Zukzän (704–755 CE).  She was known in Tibet as Kyimshang Kongjo, and was a devout Buddhist.

Kyimshang died during an outbreak of smallpox sometime between 739 and 741.

[ posted by txchnologist ] Earliest Stages of Life Plumbed With...

Image of the ~50,000 cell nuclei of a 22-hour-old zebrafish embryo. The fluorescently labeled cell nuclei are shown in a blue-to-red color code that indicates depth in the image.

By following the color-coded cells of a Drosophila embryo (top) over time, each cell's lineage becomes trackable (bottom) with simultaneous multiview light sheet microscopy.

Image of the ~6,000 cell nuclei of a 3-hour-old fruit fly embryo. The fluorescently labeled cell nuclei are shown in a blue-to-red color code that indicates depth in the image.

Dorsal and ventral views of a 3-hour-old fruit fly embryo. The embryo's ~6,000 fluorescently labeled cell nuclei are shown in a blue-to-red color code that indicates depth in the image.

A SiMView microscope uses lasers to illuminate specimens while two cameras to the left and to the right of the central imaging chamber capture shots of the specimen's cells from different angles.

[ posted by txchnologist ]

Earliest Stages of Life Plumbed With Sheets of Laser Light

by Michael Keller

This month's issue of the journal Science focuses on advances in developmental biology, the study of how organisms grow and change from a single cell.

The edition includes a few stunning photographic examples from the lab of Philipp Keller at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  Keller's team uses a new microscopy technique called simultaneous multiview light-sheet microscopy (SiMView), which created the detailed images of zebrafish and fruit fly embryos above. Click on the images to get a fuller description of what they depict. 

Read More


SIM:  Structured illumination microscopy
Resolution:  ~100 nm

  • Structured illumination microscopy shines a striped pattern of light onto a sample.
  • That light interacts with light from fluorescent tags on cellular material and generates a pattern of interference called a moiré fringe.
  • Using a series of moiré fringes it's possible to mathematically extract and reconstruct a super-resolution image.

SIM is ideal for looking at entire cells in 3-D, ensembles of cells or multiple cellular structures at once. 

-  cellular division that produces two genetically identical daughter cells, is perhaps the most fundamental process in biology.

  • After DNA replicates, the nuclear envelope surrounding it dissolves.
  • Spindle fibers (gold above, red at right) align pairs of chromosomes (blue)
  • then separate the genetic material into two daughter cells (shown forming).

Science News
June 15, 2013; Vol.183 #12  

Top:  L. Schermelleh/Univ. of Oxford; Bottom: J. Stout/Indiana Univ.;
Bottom, right: Andrew Syred/Science Source


discoverynews: Top 10 Weirdest Mars Illusions and...


Top 10 Weirdest Mars Illusions and Pareidolia

More pareidolia! We have Mars rats, faces, elephants and trees (plus a lot more). Which is your favorite?

But first, read up on pareidolia
 … which is, in fact, merely a type of apophenia
An example would be like seeing a rabbit on the face of the moon

Turtle by Aleksandra Mikolajczak If want, click on image to...

by Aleksandra Mikolajczak

If want, click on image to consume as merchandise.

Tommy KanePrague

Tommy Kane


Sea Slug Benevolent League stonewalling: "No comment".

Photo captures Nembrotha lineolata laying an egg spiral on a sea squirt (Polycarpa aurata)

X ]

[ posted by ancientart ] The exceptionally well preserved wall...

[ posted by ancientart ]

The exceptionally well preserved wall paintings on the north side of Xu Xianxiu's Tomb, Shanxi, China.

This tomb dates to the Northern Qi Dynasty, 550 to 577 CE.

[ Photo via Wiki Commons ]